Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Living Symbolism

The other night at Rhythm Sanctuary, I pulled a card from one of the altars to serve as guidance for my dance. The card I pulled had two symbols on it; on the left was a drop falling in the shape of a question mark (?) Next to it were a lot of drops falling in what looked like an exclamation point (!)

I meditated on this symbolism and was deeply moved by it. I recently created a Source Card for my SoulCollage deck which has a drop of divinity falling into the ocean of being. (see image to right) Seeing the drop appear in another reading was potent for me and I knew I needed to listen. 

I contemplated the ? and ! in my dance, and through my ecstatic movements, explored the following questions:  
How can I open up to the question mark, surrendering to the Divine as it move me along the mystery, into unknowing? 
How can I live and embody the exclamation point at the same time, living in the light of enthusiasm and joy, even in the unknowing? 

Living the question mark and the exclamation point at the same time, what a beautiful practice.

Passion Bridge

Here is a SoulCollage card I created
to remind me to open my Solar Plexus
to activate the passion bridge from
the Sacral chakra to the Throat chakra. 
Here’s one of my Sacral Chakra shares. It’s a bit on the edge for me to share, however, part of how I show up in the world is sharing my human and divine experience through SoulCollage and writing. This is an extension and a deepening of that process. 

A couple weeks ago I had a tantric love making session with myself. It exposed me to a deeper understanding of how the Sacral and Throat Chakras are connected. 
For several years I’ve been aware of a connection between the cervix of the sacral chakra and the channel of the throat chakra; both long passageways of creativity and expression in the energetic and physical body. My tantra session brought this understanding from an intellectual level to a somatic reality. 

Throughout my solo love making session, I permissioned my cervix to sound and express it’s experience through my throat chakra. During this process, I found myself restricting my throat, concerned about being too loud, or that my neighbors might call the police. Then a deeper layer emerged. My solar plexus ripped open and a life time of images, memories and experiences rushed in at me. 

All the ways my sexuality and femininity has been invaded, demeaned, manipulated, and commoditized in my childhood, adolescence and early adulthood rushed through me. So many memories came through in such a short amount of time I was not able to analyze them in detail; instead the experience was delivered with a big punch all at once which made me feel the largeness of the mass of sadness. Tears flowed.  

This experience gave me a visceral understanding of how my solar plexus has formed a barrier between my lower and upper chakras. As a child, I learned how to separate my pelvis and heart from one another, with the parameter that someone only got one, never both.This experience showed me how this partition is still actively present in my bodymind. 

This experience enabled me to see how shutting down the flow of passion and sexuality from rising up into my upper chakras greatly diminishes how I express myself in the world. As I begin to take steps at better aligning and living my authentic self, I am aware it is time to release this partition. It is time to activate and expand passion, play and pleasure in my sacral chakra, and permission this energy to rise up through the solar and heart chakras for expansive expression in how I live my life (throat chakra activity).