Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bridging the Chakras

One of the core themes that has emerged from my Divine Download Chakra Journey is the theme of Bridges. When I invoked this journey on the Winter Solstice, I set the intention of spending two weeks in each chakra, starting in the Crown and ending in the Root Chakra in early Spring. This act in and of itself created a bridge between Crown and Root, Heaven and Earth; bridging my journey from one end of the Rainbow Bridge to the other. 
In one of my ecstatic experiences in the Brow Chakra, I formed a bridge between my intellectual understanding of archetypes, with the heart space of how archetypes relates. This was a powerful awakening for me and deepened how I embody archetypal wisdoms. 
When I transitioned from the Brow Chakra into the Throat Chakra, I knew I was crossing the threshold from the transpersonal realm of the upper chakras into the relational realm of the mid-chakras. To anchor the transpersonal side of this bridge, I activated deep listening so I could more fully bring the divine and archetypal wisdoms cultivated in the upper realm with me across the bridge into the space of the heart. 
As I activated the Throat Chakra, I realized I needed a bridge from my throat to my Solar Plexus. To speak my truth, I needed a foundation of personal responsibility and commitment to authentic and harmonious communications.  Without the courage of the Solar Plexus, it can be rather challenging to speak up and speak out. 
When I initially transitioned into the Heart Chakra, I was uncomfortable and did not know how to engage this energy center. In this confusion I remembered the bridge formed from my Brow Chakra earlier in my journey. This realization lead me to see that I had crossed the bridge; I was on the other side!  I was now in the relational space of the archetypal energies birthed earlier in my journey. It was at this point that I really started to see the pattern of bridges between my chakra centers and how they support and infuse one another.  
When I was in the Heart Chakra, not only did I re-activate the bridge to the Brow Chakra, I also started to build a bridge from my heart to my Sacral Chakra. This pathway enabled me to bring more feeling and emotion into my heart space, deepening my compassion for self and others. Now I had bridges going in 4 directions, up and down, in and out; wowee - powerful stuff! 
It will be interested to see how the the theme of bridges deepens as I move through the lower chakras. At a high level, I more deeply understand how Chakra 3 needs the foundation of Chakra 1 to bring action into embodied being. I also understand that as I enter into the Sacral Chakra, the bridge formed earlier between the heart and pelvis will be strengthened. Lots to discover and share, and I look forward to crossing that bridge when I get there. 

Double Penetration on the Rainbow Bridge

Once again, I felt hesitancy on my chakra journey to transition from one chakra to the next. This time I was resistant to move from the Throat Chakra into the Heart. I felt like I had not activated the throat enough to transition into heart space with integrated wisdom accessed in my upper chakra explorations. 
I permissioned myself to take an “extra” week crossing the bridge of the throat, so that I could gently move from the transpersonal realm of the upper chakras, into the relational space of the mid-chakras. However, when my extra week was over, I was still resistant. In this discomfort I remembered the bridge created from my Brow Chakra to the Heart, when I connected archetypal complexes to their unique relational heart spaces. 
The road was already laid for me to bring the resources and ally’s I formed in the upper chakras down with me into the heart. Integrating them into my journey this way enables me to enter into deeper relationship with them, both through myself and others. 
I brought this awareness with me into my dance at Rhythm Sanctuary, and in doing so was able to feel deeper into my hesitancy to slip into the relational realm. I came to see how some of my “blockage” was connected to my “comfort zone” of being on either end of the Rainbow Bridge.  
I am comfortable in the solidarity of individual being and the wild nature of my animal self, forces governed by the Root Chakra. I am also deeply merged with the divine as my primary source of being, universal consciousness activated by the Crown ChakraThese ends of the chakra system represent the anchor points of the Rainbow Bridge. I am  comfortable on the ends, but ask me to walk out onto the bridge, especially to the middle, well then, fears get activated and I feel a shiver deep in my soul. 
This awareness took my trance into an ecstatic vortex of grand proportion. I felt the oneness of my primal ecological being coming up my chakras from the Root. I felt God one-being-ness coming down my chakras from the Crown. And in the center, was my heart, receiving these two energy currents. Double Penetration; from above and below. Receiving each polarity into the center of my being took my dance into enraptured love making. It was great! 
But wait...there’s more! Being in this space of embodiment, while in the midst of community, took me me even deeper. While I was being double penetrated, from above and below, I was being seen by others, and I welcomed it. Feeling the totality of my inner experience, while being witnessed from without, brought in another dimension of Double Penetration. Holey Moley! 
These 4 energy currents, up and down, in and out, filled the four chambers of my heart, bringing me into the heights of my ecstatic heart chakra activation. Needless to say, the dance was orgasmic. Thank you to the community of Rhythm Sanctuary for showing up how you do, and co-creating a space that supports me to work the medicine the way that I do. I love making love with you. See you next week :} 

What do you hear?

The Throat Chakra governs the theme of communication, and is located in the region of the mouth, ears and throat. It is said we have two ears and one mouth, therefore we should listen twice as much as we speak. This anatomical truth helped me ease into my Throat Chakra explorations by activating the embodiment of hearing. 
For several days, I brought intense awareness to how my outer ear collected sound waves from my external environment. Feeling into these vibrations traveling through my ear canal and drumming against my tympanic membrane. This pulsation vibrates the 3 small bones of the middle ear, which in turn beat against the oval window. This then creates waves in the fluid filled cochlea of the inner ear. These waves stimulate hair follicles, which activate the auditory nerve, which sends sound impulses to the brain for interpretation. Wow, that is lot of stuff that happens really fast! 

Working with the fundamental anatomy of the ear, I focused a whole day hearing with my right ear,  feeling into the auditory nerve crossing over to the other side of my brain for interpretation. The next day, I focused on hearing with my left ear and the cross over to the other side of my brain. Then I listened with both ears, feeling even deeper into the cross over of my auditory nerves. Coupled with the cross over of my optic nerves, I came to a center point in this mandala of sensory input, between eyes and ears, seeing and hearing. I started seeing sounds and hearing images, discovering a vibrant new way of receiving input and wisdom from the moment. 

This level of hearing made me very aware of the sounds we are immersed in every day. It’s hard to close our ears to the negative sounds created from media, hateful self-talk, and environmental sound pollution. Therefore, its important to balance the bombardment of dissonance sound vibrations with resonant, harmonious ones. This can be done though chanting, either out loud or internally, sitting in silence and listening to the sound of your breath, or sitting in nature and listening to the natural sounds of the wild. 

Hearing is an amazing process to feel into and appreciate. I encourage you to take some time to listen twice as much as you speak. Notice the sounds around and within you? Take some time to really listen to the universe, you'll be amazed at what you hear. 

I got my eye on you...

Over the past week I’ve been playing with the placement of my 3rd Eye. Starting in the “standard” location between my two physical eyes. Deepening my practice, I open to the light of the divine shining down from my crown onto the lens of my 3rd eye, which acts as a prism, refracting colors of the rainbow throughout my head and consciousness. 
Then I started playing with my 3rd Eye in different locations in my head, at different angles and on different planes. As divine light hit my 3rd eye at these different locations, the colors of the rainbow refracted throughout my head at different angles,  piercing into and through many blockages and dark crevices. 
One of the more powerful locations I've played with is placing my 3rd Eye at the back of my throat. In this position, I was able to “see” out of my mouth, a powerful way to get activated for my upcoming transition into the Throat Chakra. This placement also deepened my witnessing of words coming out of my mouth, expanding understanding around the power and medicine of sound.
As I played with my 3rd Eye, I continued to work the Brow Chakra theme of archetypes. As many of you know, I’m an avid nature photographer, with one my passions being insects. This week, these two forces came together, supporting me in honoring the totem medicine of insects in my life. 
It is with this inspiration that I embarked on my weekly trance dance at Rhythm Sanctuary. I began my dance with my eyes closed, embodying the structure of the compound eye found in many insects. In this state, I had thousands of 3rd eyes all over my head, refracting light in exponential angles of consciousness.  And since I am getting ready to transition into the Throat Chakra, I kept the portal between the base of my head and throat open so as not to clamp down on the power of my expiernace. 
I stayed in this space for a while, and when I felt able to keep this level of consciousness engaged, I slowly opened my physical eyes. Around me were so many beautiful people, dancing in their bliss, and what was so amazing, is that with my insect eyes, I saw thousands of them! My perception of reality shifted. As I entered into dance partnership with other beings, I looked at them and saw their luminescence in thousand fold; deepening my love and connection with the very essence of their soul. 
I am so grateful to insects for the deep teachings that have entered my life over the years as a result of connecting to and merging with them. I look forward to continuing my embodiment of this medicine and expanding my perception of reality through the process. 
Imagination is a core aspect of working with the Brow Chakra

  • How can you play with your imagination to expand your perception of reality? 
  • How can you integrate various passions in your life to create wider possibilities of divine being? 

Colors of Consciousness

After spending 2 weeks activating my Crown Chakra, I am now fully in my Brow ChakraThis week I was able to see, feel, and embody the white light of Divine streaming into my Crown Chakra and hitting my 3rd eye. My 3rd eye then acted as a prism, breaking the white light up into all the colors of the rainbow. These colors of consciousness filled my head and infused my dance with luminescence. 
I danced in this consciousness for a while, then opened my throat and let the colors of the rainbow infuse my Throat Chakra. I had to open my tissue and energy body up quite a bit for all the colors of the rainbow to fit in my throat, but I did it and it felt amazing (insert joke here about deep throating God). 
Then, I opened my heart space and all the colors of the rainbow infused my Heart Chakra. In this embodied experience I claimed the truth that there's space in my heart to hold the wisdom of all the chakras; the clarity of communication, the expansiveness of love, the power of intention, the sensuality of movement, the embodied presence of flesh. Breathing this wisdom in my heart space moved me into so many beautiful ecstatic dance experiences with others. I made love with so many wonderful souls in this space of consciousness. 
There were times when this experience become more of a mental process for me. When I became aware of this, I would start back at my crown, open to divine light, let it hit the prism of my third eye, and shine the rainbow down my chakras. Each time I re-cycled through this process, the colors of the rainbow extended deeper into my chakras, eventually finding its rainbow way into my pelvis and bone marrow in my legs. 
This embodied experience helped me better understand one of the core archetypal forces in my life, that of the Light Bearer. I am a prism for divine light to shine through. I engage and express all the colors of the rainbow in beautiful and brilliant ways through my living. This is one of my gifts, and is one of the ways I am called to be of service. 
To see more SoulCollage images I have created for the 3rd eye Chakra, check out my web page. 

Embodying Archetypal Energy

As many of you know, I'm the ChakraChick. I'm almost always on some type of personal chakra journey

During my Winter Chakra Journey, as I moved from Crown Chakra consciousness into Brow Chakra, I activated the theme of recognizing, honoring and working with Archetypal energies (patterns found in the collective expression of humanity as we live & die this human & divine life). 
On the way to my weekly ecstatic dance at Rhythm Sanctuary, I called on the archetype of Dancer to be present with me. Dancer is an archtypal force present and prevalent during every stage of my life (in numerous forms and for many reasons). 
  • Light Medicine of the Dancer brings embodied spirit and life force energy into the world through embodied movement & expression. 
  • Shadow Realms of the Dancer shows up as performing simply for show, at the expense of true embodiment and authenticity.  
Through my connection with others, I came to understand that each archetype has a heart center that plays into their relational patterning. Each person I was dancing with, and the archetype(s) they were engaging, all had a heart space (in various stages of vibration and frequency, but a heart space none-the-less.) 

As I engaged with others and the archetypal energies they were expressing, I found myself dancing the questions: "How does this archetype love?" "How does this archetype relate?" These questions opened a powerful portal between my awakening Brow and my own Heart Center. Not only was I asking these questions about other, I was also asking them of myself. 

From this space of awareness I was able to go deeper in my interactions, however, there were times I felt pulled off center and not grounded in my own attunement of truth. This agitation activated my solar plexus, which opened the understanding that in addition to heart energetics, each archetypal presence has its own power force, its own strength to engage & disengage, its own ego propulsion of self in the world. 

These realizations showed me that my understanding of archetypes, although expansive, had mainly been at the intellectual level. By moving archetypal energies into the space of heart & personal power (and not just thinking about them in the cognitive realm of the upper chakras), I was able to EMBODY the essence of these magical forces, both within myself and in relational space with others.

We all have a council of core archetypal forces that guide and inform us in life. These forces sometimes work well with one another, and some times, not so much. What archetypes are prevalent in your life? Here is a web site link with some characters for your explore 

How can you better honor and express the archetypal forces at play in your life?
    • How do these archetypal forces relate to one another? with others?  
    • How do the different archetypes of your being Love? 
    • What boundaries do the different archetypes of your being enforce? not enforce? 
    • What archetypal forces would you like to cultivate in your life? Why? How? 
Here are some of my SoulCollage creations exploring archetypal forces prominent in my life. 

Bringer of Light

Manifesting Light in the New Year

As we move through Winter,
and the light of each day grows,
so too can we grow in the Light,
manifesting Source more fully
 into our daily prayer of living.

You are invited to join me in an on-line
Wild Soul Wanderings 
Elements of Soul Adventure
 through the 2020 Winter/Spring season.

This journey will support you/me/us
with enlivening our evolution 
as we move towards Spring Equinox
and our re-birthing into the light side 
of the Medicine Wheel
The Chakras provide a holistic map
through the Elements of Soul,
and make for an amazing adventure
through the center of being.

Chakras are one of the core maps I use
to navigate life, and it would be an honor
to share & travel through them with you
as we set off into this new year.
People often work with the Chakras
as an Ascension model;
from the Bottom - Up,
from Heavy to Expansive.
from Earth up towards Light.

Another way to journey with the Chakras
is from the Top - Down.
From Light down to Earth,
from Possibility to Manifestation.
From God to Human.

This is the Manifestation Channel 
or what I like to call: 
The Divine Download 

...this is the pathway we'll be taking
through Winter as we Manifest the Light. 

As we start this Winter season
and move into the New Year,
 we open the Crown Chakra
to the Manifesting Current
of Divine Light,
bringing this energy down the chakras,
through various layers of consciousness,
anointing our pathway towards Spring.

The timing of this journey ending
in the Root Chakra as Spring wakes up
 is a powerful way to fertilize
your New Year seeds of intention
for Springs Awakening & Blossoming. 
Start this 3 month journey Now.
Begin in the Crown Chakra at the top,
and spend 2 weeks in each chakra realm,
working this energy down into our Roots.

Throughout Winter,
I'll offer blogs, video's & Facebook posts
to support, inspire & connect us
as we move through this collective awakening.

The best way to access these inspirations
is to join me on Facebook
Engaging a Top / Down approach 
to Chakra Vitalization during Winter is powerful

This pathway of working with consciousness 
offers a profound way of relating with Winter,
with Source, with Solitude, with Mind.

...and since we've passed Winter Solstice, 
and the New Year is upon us... 
 let's get started!!! 
A little bit about the Crown Chakra
It's located at the top of your head.  
It is represented by a thousand-petal lotus flower
forever blooming towards consciousness. 

On a Physical level, it governs the brain,
the master organ of the Central Nervous System. 

On a Mental level, it deals with dimensions of mind,
such as thought, opinion & beliefs. 

On a Spiritual level, it represents transcendence; 
universal consciousness and 
connection to Source. 
And so now we begin ...
engaging Crown Chakra consciousness
as a practice for the next 2 weeks. 
Opening to Light, opening to Source
and witnessing the quality of your Thoughts. 

Thought is the element of the Crown Chakra 
Thoughts are the primary structures 
that create your reality.

...let me say that again...
Thoughts are the primary structures 
that create your reality.

What reality are you creating with your thoughts? 

The more aware you are of your thoughts 
the more able you can work with 
the power of your mind 
to create a more expansive reality
for yourself & the world we live in.  
Journey Assignment 
Over the next couple weeks,
witness & notice your thoughts & beliefs;
...about your body, your worth, 
about other cultures, other religions, 
about your parents, your children, 
about what you deserve & do not deserve, 
about what is possible & what is not...etc. 

Notice what beliefs you have
that are expansive & kind.

Notice what beliefs you have
that are limiting & fear based.
Sitting in Meditation a few minutes every day 
is a powerful practice to engage in 
to add a layer of mental stillness into being...
or if not stillness, 
Meditation is an opportunity
 to witness your thoughts without distraction....
often times... our thoughts are our biggest distraction! 

If you witness beliefs & thoughts 
that are fear based & restrictive to life force,
explore how you can work with the power of Mind 
to reshape your thoughts 
to be more inviting & expansive 
for Spirit, Light & Potential. 

It's a kind of magic you can engage in 
every moment of your every day
to co-create & craft your reality.  

“No one else can do the job of waking up for you, 
you must be a light unto yourself."
So that is my encouragement:
let's increase awareness
around the thoughts & beliefs
we are using to craft our
 individual & collective realities with.

“The awakened crown chakra 
questions any and all of our beliefs, 
constantly reprogramming and upgrading 
the operating system that runs our lives, 
so we can make the necessary adjustments
 to bring all the elements of our being 
into alignment with each other 
as we evolve & expand.” 
Anodea Judith
Stay connected on Facebook for more shares 
and encouragements to inspire our 
Wild Soul Wanderings Chakra Adventure
throughout the Winter season.  

The Wild Soul Wanderings Facebook page 
is also a forum for you to share 
your experience with me & others. 
 It's a collective forum for our awakening. 

To start the New Year, 
let's witness our thoughts & beliefs, 
and use the power & magic of the mind
to open possibilities in our thinking 
and expand the reality 
we believe to be real & available to us.