Friday, June 16, 2017

San Diego, CA: The "Good Guy Tour"

I recently went to San Diego on a business trip. I extended my stay to include time for a ceremony adventure I called the "Good Guy Tour”

So much of my history has focused on healing from trauma. Now that I've emerged from my Death Lodge, I am focused on Romancing the Light. For this trip, I felt called to honor the “Good Guys” in my life from my San Diego days, expressing gratitude for the love & light these "Good Guys" have added to my life

This blog highlights 3 of these "Good Guys" along with SoulCollage cards I've created about them over the years. 

Good Guy #1
My first “Good Guy” ceremony happened at Balboa Park, in the rose garden, where me and Guy #1 were scheduled to be married many years ago. Guy #1 was an amazing man: he got me off the streets, held space for me to sober up and deal with my anger issues, and brought me into mainstream living (although that may not sound very appealing now, it was a wonderful step in my evolution).

During my ceremony to honor him, I prayed and sang for him on his current journey and collected flower petals to honor him in my Medicine Wheel Mandala creation. It's amazing that even though this relationship has been complete for many years, another layer of integration and release was able to move through me as I did this ceremony.

Good Guy #2
What a fun relationship. It was a partnership filled with love, play, adventure, laughter and amazing friendship.

“Good Guy #2” was deeply into his spiritual practice, and in that focus of his, I was permissioned to expand more fully into my own “wuwu”. Being with someone “so out there” supported me in getting there myself.

When we broke up, we did a 4 Corners road trip to honor our relationship, lessons learned, love experienced, and offer prayers to one another for our journeys forward without the other. It was a beautiful parting of ways.

On my trip to San Diego I connected with “Good Guy #2”, and true to form, we laughed so hard…at some of the things that tore us apart. What a gift to see the joy & light in these aspects of his life, rather then feeling resentment for them not living up to my dream for/of him.

Good Guy #4
The man I have been in relationship with the longest…23 years…oh my!
“Good Guy #4” is my boss at work. 

When I started out at this company 23 years ago as the receptionist, “Good Guy #4” saw something bright and light in me through all my rough edges. He cultivated me, believed in me, and supported me in finding my way, providing leverage for me to work my way up the corporate ladder, and helped me pay for my business degree.

We have seen each other go through lots over the past couple decades. I've seen him grow his family & marriage, and was there to support him when his mother died. He has seen me grow and evolve through all my evolving, and was there for me when my gram died & when I got super sick from my last house.

Over the years our relationship has taken many forms; Boss, Teacher, Student, Father Figure, Friend, Council. With changes in our company culture, and my move to Denver 7 years ago, our relationship has changed yet again….although there is more space between us, there is still love and respect.

I had not seen “Good Guy #4” for almost 4 years. It was sweet to reconnect while I was in San Diego. “Good Guy #4” is a special man in my life, and I am deeply grateful for the all the lessons we have grown through over the years.

Mandala Blessings
Over the days, and along the way, as I connected with these "Good Guys"  in San Diego, I gathered flower petals and charged them in my Medicine Wheel Mandala. I then took these offerings to the beach for ceremony. 
...follow this link to read more about"Good Guy 3" 

Here are more of my SoulCollage cards inspired by these "Good Guys" in my life.