Friday, August 11, 2017

SoulCollage Milestone Achieved

After 15 years of making SoulCollage cards
I finally created my first one
using only my photos. 
What a big milestone for me. 
(especially since I am a photographer!) 
Now that I'm in the MiddleWorld
I see myself creating more cards 
around relationship & experience. 

I am excited about expanding 
my use & utilization 
of this powerful art form in my life. 

Visual Journaling 
Sacred Autobiography 
SoulCollage Diary 
I had an AMAZING 
cultivating the embodiment & essence 
of being a Lighthouse on a cliff.

During this ceremony, 
a man came into my field. 
A freeing moment occurred 
for both of us, 
of relationship & experience.

We rode the moment, 
this man and I...
we kayaked into coves,
and swam in the mystery of being 
and smiled. 
It was so much fun! 

I was really happy I had a kayak 
that could hold 2 people...
It made the perfect date mobile.
I have risen from the Underworld 
of my own dark journey. 
I no longer make love with demons 
but with the light. 

I am now in the MiddleWorld.  
I see the horizon 
and honor that direction 
as my way. 

The MiddleWorld species of human
is my next Apprenticeship
of love & relationship. 

I deeply know 
I am here 
to Serve. 

To serve Love. 
To serve Beauty.  
To serve Evolution.  
To serve the Now of Humanity;
the Wild Animal of my Species.
I am so very grateful for this opening,  
this tuning into who I am 
at the core of things.  

In the center of my breath
I am deepening 
my practice
in this always now.

Crafting courageous connection 
with the ecosystem of the moment.  
Being a channel for Aliveness. 

A Love Offering into the moment 
and the creatures that inhabit it. 
I have a magic needed here. 

A deepening commitment forms in me
to living in the light 
and expressing it through all my 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Solar Activations for the MiddleWorld

Spring & Summer 
are providing me time & space 
to transition from the Underworld 
into the Middle World, 
the Relational Realm of Being 
I am apprenticing to 
for the next 7 years
as I set out into my Second Adulthood.  

Over the past several months
 I've been engaging
Chakra Medicine Wheel ceremonies
to prepare for my upcoming Rites of Passage
...and what a journey it's been!!! 
To kick things off, I did a Medicine Wheel
Circumnavigation on Fletcher Island
in San Diego, CA. 

Then I started my Ascension Journey
through the chakras,  
at Cheyenne State Park in Colorado.

Here's the first Chakra Meditation video 
I created in my Rig.
During my stay at Glendo Lake State Park
I activated Solar Chakra energies

To begin this ceremony day
I walked the land,
looking for sign & symbols
to inspire & lead my way.
I met Tree Elders, Rock Guides,
and amazing animal creatures.
They guided me to a cliff top
overlooking the lake,
where I set up my altar.

 I called in the directions,
offered tobacco & rose petals to the land.
I journaled with SoulCollage cards
and meditated
and the essence of Lighthouse
came through as a guiding force.
I met a guy in the park
and we went kayaking together.
He added a nice spice of power, light & joy
into the mix.

It was amazing to engage with "other"
during one of my ceremony days...
especially a man
during my Solar Chakra Activation.
Perfect Divine Timing. 

Here's a SoulCollage card 
from my Solar Chakra Ceremony
My life force 
pushes through.  
Cracks in the pavement; 
holding me in
are released. 

The Dragon within 
Birthing a new dimension
of Presence 
into the World
through my Being. 

I reach up & out 
open my core 
and shine.
Life radiates out of me 
through this amazing practice 
of life, that I am living.
Chakra Altar I created in the Rig
A symbol taking root in my psyche
as a guiding force for me through this journey
is that of the Lighthouse.
As i explore its teachings,
this drawing emerged.

Images from my Solar Chakra Ceremony 
Love leads the Way 
Portal Entry
My Ceremony Turtle 
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