My New Year Intention for 2014 had 3 parts, one of which was cultivating my 1/3/5 Chakra Channel (liberating masculine energy current of embodiment (1) into power (3), into communication(5). Here is the Tarot Reading I pulled New Years day 2014 to activate this intention. May these images be a guiding force for me as I cultivate this energy current throughout the year.

My Interpretation: The Universe is in my body. Embody the divine in my flesh. Shine the stars through my physical living. Bring this magic and medicine into root chakra consciousness; embodiment of the divine.
Embodiment Practice: At Rhythm Sanctuary I opened my flesh and sucked in the universe, holding the stars, the moon, the sun - the whole cosmos in my animal body. My flesh became the container for the universe. My practice was to open to this vastness without contracting away from the immensity of the cosmos in my body.
Once I had an embodiment of this experiance in my own being, I brought this presence into my connection with others. Opening to the galaxies within them; swapping stars between our universes - shinning our suns on each others moons. Being mirrors of the cosmos for one another, in breath, sweat, and conscious connection. Love making in it purest form.
My Interpretation: As I embody the universe in my Root Chakra, I will be enlivened by passion, desire and soul pleasure. This energy will fuel me forward with authentic and enlivening actions, aligned with my own spirit aliveness.
Throat Chakra (5) Card Pull:
My Interpretation: As I live the 1/3 channel mentioned above, my communications will support harmonious and truthfull communications through my throat chakra, activating expansive creations in the world fueled with embodied with my passion and divine action.
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