One of the core themes that has emerged from my Divine Download Chakra Journey is the theme of Bridges. When I invoked this journey on the Winter Solstice, I set the intention of spending two weeks in each chakra, starting in the Crown and ending in the Root Chakra in early Spring. This act in and of itself created a bridge between Crown and Root, Heaven and Earth; bridging my journey from one end of the Rainbow Bridge to the other.
In one of my ecstatic experiences in the Brow Chakra, I formed a bridge between my intellectual understanding of archetypes, with the heart space of how archetypes relates. This was a powerful awakening for me and deepened how I embody archetypal wisdoms.
When I transitioned from the Brow Chakra into the Throat Chakra, I knew I was crossing the threshold from the transpersonal realm of the upper chakras into the relational realm of the mid-chakras. To anchor the transpersonal side of this bridge, I activated deep listening so I could more fully bring the divine and archetypal wisdoms cultivated in the upper realm with me across the bridge into the space of the heart.
As I activated the Throat Chakra, I realized I needed a bridge from my throat to my Solar Plexus. To speak my truth, I needed a foundation of personal responsibility and commitment to authentic and harmonious communications. Without the courage of the Solar Plexus, it can be rather challenging to speak up and speak out.
When I initially transitioned into the Heart Chakra, I was uncomfortable and did not know how to engage this energy center. In this confusion I remembered the bridge formed from my Brow Chakra earlier in my journey. This realization lead me to see that I had crossed the bridge; I was on the other side! I was now in the relational space of the archetypal energies birthed earlier in my journey. It was at this point that I really started to see the pattern of bridges between my chakra centers and how they support and infuse one another.
When I was in the Heart Chakra, not only did I re-activate the bridge to the Brow Chakra, I also started to build a bridge from my heart to my Sacral Chakra. This pathway enabled me to bring more feeling and emotion into my heart space, deepening my compassion for self and others. Now I had bridges going in 4 directions, up and down, in and out; wowee - powerful stuff!
It will be interested to see how the the theme of bridges deepens as I move through the lower chakras. At a high level, I more deeply understand how Chakra 3 needs the foundation of Chakra 1 to bring action into embodied being. I also understand that as I enter into the Sacral Chakra, the bridge formed earlier between the heart and pelvis will be strengthened. Lots to discover and share, and I look forward to crossing that bridge when I get there.
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