Monday, December 15, 2014

Ecstatic Chakras

SoulCollage card I created for the Ecstatic Chakra Set 
I did something amazing....
it started out as an inspired idea...
and exploded from there. 

I asked DJ V (one of our local DJ's from Rhythm Sanctuary) if he wanted to collaborate  on a Charka Dance set. He said sure, lets give it a go. What started out as a project, turned into a chakra intensive for both of us. 

We both dove in; spending hundreds of hours layering songs, adding sound effects, elemental invocations, and animal totems for each chakra

As we journeyed deeper into the project, I started making a movie with my SoulCollage cards and photography. As the movie evolved, I needed to create new cards to tell the story arc for each chakra. I ended up creating 90 SoulCollage cards in 5 weeks - whew - that's alot! As I made these cards, I found myself moving through intense layers of light and shadow aspects of each chakra. This process was deeply integrative for me, and it was cool to hear a soundtrack emerge from the process! 

It was an honor to co-create Ecstatic Chakras with DJ V (Ed Villano). It was refreshing to collaborate with someone on a project, who was equally as vested and passionate about the project, communicated well and followed through on deliverables. We cultivated a friendship along the way... Ed even created his first SoulCollage card to honor the Divine DJ in him (his card was featured in the chakra movie :) 

DJ V and I debuted Ecstatic Chakras at Rhythm Sanctuary Oct 23, 2014 on the Full Moon. 
We then took the show on the road, offering it to the ecstatic dance community in Boulder, and opening a Shamanic Boom event in Fort Collins. We wrapped up our road show at Lumonics Light Gallery, with their impressive lit sculptures and laser lights integrated into the experience. 

Testimonials shared with us highlight how the music and imagery activated and evoked powerful embodied experiences for the dancers/audience. It was an honor to share this creation with the Front Range in Colorado. It re-ignited my passion for taking SoulCollage and Chakra Magic out into the world.

If you would like to dive into Chakra Medicine, I am offering a Chakra Alchemy program in 2015 which focuses on one chakra per month starting in February. Click Here for More Details. 

Raven Shree & DJ V (photo by Art by Zen)

Rhythm Sanctuary: Ecstatic Chakras 2014
I had many wonderful connections with people
on this Ecstatic Chakra Journey.
Blessed & Blissed 

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Gatekeeper

I seem to be stuck 
in a straight and narrow line;
a pathway carved by others,
a cemented road 
that leads somewhere
as drab and sterile
as the many steps 
that brought me here.   

I see other pathways 
off in the distance; 
they twist and turn
pulsate with life;
undulating vibrancy
rich, fertile living
flowing mystery
and grace. 

Spirited elixirs
of other pathways
bubbles inside me; 
craving expression
and a call for courage, 
and evolution 
through my living.  

The future that calls me forward
has a gatekeeper
a portal of transmutation
that I must step through. 
I must burn in the ashes
of my vanquished fears. 
Scream in anguish 
as I grieve the release 
of all that holds me here.   

The doorway holds no guarantee. 
I can only step forward 
inspired by faith;
fully committed 
to experiencing 
the mystery 
the adventure
the alchemy of transmutation.  

I may never make it 
to the other side.
This portal may consume me
devour my soul 
and spit me out.
That is transformation too my friend; 
an evolved soul 
in a different form
may be just what is needed
to travel the new road.

SoulCollage Creation and Poem by Raven Shree 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Solar Chakra Summer

SoulCollage creation by Raven Shree
Summer is the season ruled by the element of Fire and the Solar Chakra. Summer is found in the direction of South on the Medicine Wheel. This station of being ignites your will, engages your power, and aligns your actions with your commitments and soul purpose.  

The Solar Chakra is located in the mid spine and abdomen area of the body, in the unprotected underbelly of self. It is here where you engage your unique purpose in life with power and enthusiasm, and act in aligned integrity and vulnerability. 

On a physical level, the fire chakra has a strong influence on your digestive system and liver. It also determines how well you metabolize and digest life experiences, absorbing nutrients to grow and release what is not needed. 

On a psychological level, the Solar Chakra influences your self-esteem, courage and confidence. Fire rises up against the forces of gravity. It does not take the pathway of least resistance (like earth and water in the lower chakras). It is here in the Solar Chakra, that you find the energy and intention to rise above primal, body based needs and wants, and direct your energy up and out into the community, with intention, purpose and vision. 

Solar Chakra Pondering's 
  • What are you offering the world through your actions and inactions? 
  • How do you contribute to your community? 
  • What is your purpose? 
  • How aligned is your living to your true passions?
Would you like to learn more about the Solar Chakra. Raven Shree is offering a tele-session download. Click here for more info. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

SoulCollage: Claiming my Birthright

SoulCollage Card
by Raven Shree 
I was born into my birthright; 
it has evolved with me 
through the years.
From childhood...
into adolescence... 
into womanhood... 
the influence of shadow 
has shaped me. 

Shadow gives dimension
balanced shape. 
It has been my friend 
and my enemy
for many years,
apprenticing me towards
my future - 
holding my hand 
through evolution
one silent scream at a time.  

The caress of shadow 
has carved me out of hiding. 
Giving me tools 
to walk forward 
into my power 
cultivating my soul service 
to this world. 

A birth name was given to me 
by biological parents 
my “Clark Kent” moniker.  
This container was needed 
so power could be cultivated 

I have released my birth name 
and have claimed a new way 
to parent myself. 
I have claimed a new name, 
a new tribe, 
a new song by which to sing
my life alive.  

Raven Shree emerged 
from depths of darkness 
to guide me forward 
with power and strength 
cawing me forward 
as I evolve 
towards the light. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Living Symbolism

The other night at Rhythm Sanctuary, I pulled a card from one of the altars to serve as guidance for my dance. The card I pulled had two symbols on it; on the left was a drop falling in the shape of a question mark (?) Next to it were a lot of drops falling in what looked like an exclamation point (!)

I meditated on this symbolism and was deeply moved by it. I recently created a Source Card for my SoulCollage deck which has a drop of divinity falling into the ocean of being. (see image to right) Seeing the drop appear in another reading was potent for me and I knew I needed to listen. 

I contemplated the ? and ! in my dance, and through my ecstatic movements, explored the following questions:  
How can I open up to the question mark, surrendering to the Divine as it move me along the mystery, into unknowing? 
How can I live and embody the exclamation point at the same time, living in the light of enthusiasm and joy, even in the unknowing? 

Living the question mark and the exclamation point at the same time, what a beautiful practice.

Passion Bridge

Here is a SoulCollage card I created
to remind me to open my Solar Plexus
to activate the passion bridge from
the Sacral chakra to the Throat chakra. 
Here’s one of my Sacral Chakra shares. It’s a bit on the edge for me to share, however, part of how I show up in the world is sharing my human and divine experience through SoulCollage and writing. This is an extension and a deepening of that process. 

A couple weeks ago I had a tantric love making session with myself. It exposed me to a deeper understanding of how the Sacral and Throat Chakras are connected. 
For several years I’ve been aware of a connection between the cervix of the sacral chakra and the channel of the throat chakra; both long passageways of creativity and expression in the energetic and physical body. My tantra session brought this understanding from an intellectual level to a somatic reality. 

Throughout my solo love making session, I permissioned my cervix to sound and express it’s experience through my throat chakra. During this process, I found myself restricting my throat, concerned about being too loud, or that my neighbors might call the police. Then a deeper layer emerged. My solar plexus ripped open and a life time of images, memories and experiences rushed in at me. 

All the ways my sexuality and femininity has been invaded, demeaned, manipulated, and commoditized in my childhood, adolescence and early adulthood rushed through me. So many memories came through in such a short amount of time I was not able to analyze them in detail; instead the experience was delivered with a big punch all at once which made me feel the largeness of the mass of sadness. Tears flowed.  

This experience gave me a visceral understanding of how my solar plexus has formed a barrier between my lower and upper chakras. As a child, I learned how to separate my pelvis and heart from one another, with the parameter that someone only got one, never both.This experience showed me how this partition is still actively present in my bodymind. 

This experience enabled me to see how shutting down the flow of passion and sexuality from rising up into my upper chakras greatly diminishes how I express myself in the world. As I begin to take steps at better aligning and living my authentic self, I am aware it is time to release this partition. It is time to activate and expand passion, play and pleasure in my sacral chakra, and permission this energy to rise up through the solar and heart chakras for expansive expression in how I live my life (throat chakra activity). 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Embodied Intention

My New Year Intention for 2014 had 3 parts, one of which was cultivating my 1/3/5 Chakra Channel (liberating masculine energy current of embodiment (1) into power (3), into communication(5). Here is the Tarot Reading I pulled New Years day 2014 to activate this intention. May these images be a guiding force for me as I cultivate this energy current throughout the year. 

Root Chakra (1) Card Pull: 
My Interpretation: The Universe is in my body. Embody the divine in my flesh. Shine the stars through my physical living. Bring this magic and medicine into root chakra consciousness; embodiment of the divine. 

Embodiment Practice: At Rhythm Sanctuary I opened my flesh and sucked in the universe, holding the stars, the moon, the sun - the whole cosmos in my animal body. My flesh became the container for the universe. My practice was to open to this vastness without contracting away from the immensity of the cosmos in my body. 

Once I had an embodiment of this experiance in my own being, I brought this presence into my connection with others. Opening to the galaxies within them; swapping stars between our universes - shinning our suns on each others moons. Being mirrors of the cosmos for one another, in breath, sweat, and conscious connection. Love making in it purest form. 

Solar Chakra (3) Card Pull:
My Interpretation: As I embody the universe in my Root Chakra, I will be enlivened by passion, desire and soul pleasure. This energy will fuel me forward with authentic and enlivening actions, aligned with my own spirit aliveness. 

Embodiment Practice: This card calls for me to cultivate  physical and emotional intimacy, saying yes in my flesh, and feeling what brings me pleasure, passion and desire. These energies can then be harnessed as magic, fueling my actions and intentions as I move out into the world. 

Throat Chakra (5) Card Pull:
My Interpretation: As I live the 1/3 channel mentioned above, my communications will support harmonious and truthfull communications through my throat chakra, activating expansive creations in the world fueled with embodied with my passion and divine action.