Friday, November 28, 2014

The Gatekeeper

I seem to be stuck 
in a straight and narrow line;
a pathway carved by others,
a cemented road 
that leads somewhere
as drab and sterile
as the many steps 
that brought me here.   

I see other pathways 
off in the distance; 
they twist and turn
pulsate with life;
undulating vibrancy
rich, fertile living
flowing mystery
and grace. 

Spirited elixirs
of other pathways
bubbles inside me; 
craving expression
and a call for courage, 
and evolution 
through my living.  

The future that calls me forward
has a gatekeeper
a portal of transmutation
that I must step through. 
I must burn in the ashes
of my vanquished fears. 
Scream in anguish 
as I grieve the release 
of all that holds me here.   

The doorway holds no guarantee. 
I can only step forward 
inspired by faith;
fully committed 
to experiencing 
the mystery 
the adventure
the alchemy of transmutation.  

I may never make it 
to the other side.
This portal may consume me
devour my soul 
and spit me out.
That is transformation too my friend; 
an evolved soul 
in a different form
may be just what is needed
to travel the new road.

SoulCollage Creation and Poem by Raven Shree